Monday, 30 December 2013

Ringing in our 2014 Journey

It's nearly 2014! This year has been an amazing one for our family. Our decision to home educate Chipman has made a huge difference to our home life, Beebie is turning into a young lady and the other half and I have been able to squeeze in some date nights that actually involved leaving the house! To celebrate the end of a great 2013 and usher in the new year we are having a celebration with close family at home.

I have it all planned out and will post photos once it has all happened but here's some ideas if you are doing something similar! The evening will start with food, what would a celebration be without a bit of grub?! I am skipping out on the cooking and we are ordering take away. Chinese is the children's favourite so we will be ordering the usual favourites and a couple of new things for them to try too.

Then of course we need to have games. After the success of my sister-inlaw's Christmas favourite of pass the parcel on Christmas day the gauntlet has been laid! After whiling away some time on pinterest searching I have whittled it down to 2 choices. The first is a farmyard sounds game which I'm hoping will produce some laughter. You can find out more about it and my next game suggestion on my pinterest board. Then it's time for a game in the dark, glowstick hoopla. A large glow stick will be tacked to a piece of card in the centre of the room and each player will take it in turns to throw a glowstick bracelet over the larger stick. I am blessed with appalling hand eye co-ordination so don't think I will be winning this one! Again if you want some more details you can find them here. Our last game will involve after eight mint chocolates! The cold chocolate (the key is for it to be cold to work best) is placed on each person's forehead, then without using their hands they must get the chocolate into their mouth. This is a great fun game to watch (the facial expressions required are very amusing), but also to play.

We will also be making some of these photobooth props thanks Home school share blog for the idea! We will have the props on the dining room table along with the digital camera (both our children are trusted to use it now but if you have younger ones you may want to put it higher) The results of our photo booth will be posted on here! Another idea I will be stealing from home school share blog is to do a review interview sheet about themselves. Each member of the family will be given one to fill out and we can share our answers over dinner.

I would love to know any of your family traditions or new things you are doing to mark the start of 2014. Whatever you are doing to see in the new year I hope it's fun and marks the start of a great year for you and yours!

DISCLAIMER: Although this post is not strictly on the theme of home educating it was written as a procrastination tool for home ed prep for January!