It was full of hands on things for the children and not so young ones to enjoy from hands on computer activities, photo's dress up, creative writing and crafts. The Wonka doors even smelt of chocolate!
Finding out how sparky Beebie was by answering some tricky questions. It turns out that she is as sparky as Fantastic Mr Fox!
Chipman and Dad enjoying looking at Dahl family photos
Dad couldn't resist trying out the dressing up box, although I think they were meant for smaller people!
Chipman loved using the automatic grammatizator to make his sentences. Do boys ever grow out of finding toilet's funny? P enjoyed following the James and the giant peach trail and answering the questions along the way.
After we'd finished our literary part of adventure and our tummy's were full of picnic we headed of to Bekonscot model village and railway in Beaconsfield. It is a place that both my husband enjoyed visiting as children and enjoyed again today! We watched the trains go round as we looked at miniature shops, schools, churches, fairgrounds and saw a killer giant duck.
The children named this normal sized duck the 'killer giant duck' as in comparison to the model people it looked HUGE!
Chipman was amazed that the roof was made of asphalt tiles like a full size roof would be and being sensory driven had to know what it felt like!
The amount of attention to detail and work that goes into each of these models was astounding.
After looking into a small world and the world of an awesome author we loaded 2 tired children into the car and headed home.