Deschooling, a term I had never heard of until I started home educating. What is it exactly? Well it's getting school out of our systems, 12 year old Chipman has 8 Years of learning in a school environment and myself 14, we only know how to learn in a classroom. Home educating has so many advantages over classroom learning but both mine and Chipman's heads are in a school mindset, that each subject must be taught separately for a set time each day, that we must follow a very rigid timetable that is the same each week and that it won't be fun! We need time to find out how Chipman learns, what he loves and get to know each other, for the past 8 years the only time we have spent together has been after school and the holidays. So now the official school type learning stops and we have fun!
So far this week we have started making a a 3d cardboard sphinx (he's really into the Egyptians at the moment), made clay models, watched films, been to the charity shops to buy books and games. We have learnt a lot about each other, I have learnt that Chipman loves crafting as do I but I have also learnt that I am not a very patient teacher and want to jump in and do it for him! I need to learn how to take a step back and to facilitate him rather than doing it for him. I also need to find creative ways for him to show his learning.
Chipman has also taught me how to play chess! We have learnt that both of us learn by doing and not by reading the instructions. I have also found that Chipman is a much more patient teacher than me and explains things very well verbally.
I don't know how long we will deschool for, I imagine for as long as it takes, there are many different theories that range from 1 week to 1 month per year of schooling the child has done. We will carry on learning about each other's passions, learning styles and who the other person is until we feel ready to learn and when Chipman and I can see that learning can be fun and not just workbooks.
Are you deschooling? Have you already deschooled? Share your experiences or ask your questions in the comments below!